One of the services provided by Dr. Cohen is comprehensive psychoeducational testing. This service is focused primarily on identifying learning, attention, and processing issues that may be impacting a child or adolescent in the academic, social, or home environment. As part of this process, a social-emotional evaluation is also conducted to address any impact of learning, processing, or attention issues on self-esteem, behavior, relationships, or mood functioning. A comprehensive evaluation, rather than looking at only one aspect of functioning, is the most effective way to explore a student's learning style and to identify strengths and weaknesses. A comprehensive evaluation also allows the clinician to rule in or rule out specific or co-occurring diagnoses and to provide a thorough remediation plan to address the student's needs.
This type of evaluation takes several hours to complete and is usually broken up over two days. Following the 5 to 6 1/2 hours of individual testing, an hour and a half parent consultation session is scheduled. This session focuses on reviewing the evaluation in detail and providing an in-depth remediation plan to address any concerns. Each evaluation concludes with a written report that can be utilized to communicate with the school and other professionals that will be providing services to the student. Dr. Cohen is also available for consultation with other professionals and provides additional follow-up services as needed.
Dr. Cohen is also available to provide psychoeducational testing for college students and adults.